

COOLROOF® Heat Reflective Paint is specifically designed to reduce roof heat by using a high albedo formula with a high Solar Reflective Index (SRI). This makes it an excellent choice for roof insulation. As a cooling and insulating paint, it acts as a protective layer and is perfect for sucmmer heat relief. Its solar reflective properties make it ideal for keeping roofs cool. When used in air-conditioned spaces, it can also help lower power consumption by reducing the temperature difference across the roof slab. Depending on the roofing material, COOLROOF® can lower roof temperatures by up to 20°C.

COOLROOF® Paint is made from acrylic resins and is an eco-friendly, high-emissivity coating. When applied to cement, asbestos, or metal roofs, it increases surface emissivity, reflecting heat away. Its uniform application also provides insulation. This paint is easy to apply with a spray, roller, or brush and can replace traditional bulky insulation materials. It helps save energy, extends the life of buildings, and provides added comfort.

COOLROOF® Paint has an impressive solar reflectance of 0.95 and emissivity of 0.91, with an SRI rating of 122. It meets ASTM/LEEDS standards for green buildings and is one of the few approved products by both GRIHA and IGBC in India for high albedo coatings. It’s listed in the GRIHA product catalog under High Albedo Paint and is also part of the approved IGBC product directory. Additionally, COOLROOF® Paint has a very low VOC content of just 1.34g per liter, making it environmentally friendly.

The paint has been thoroughly tested for key attributes like adhesion, abrasion resistance, water permeability, and anti-fungal properties by a respected lab, proving its high quality.